Ari Zoldan has been a contributing writer for PriceTargets.com since 2023.
Ari Zoldan is the CEO of New York-based Quantum Media Group, LLC. The company provides investor relations, public relations and equity research services to publicly traded companies. As an on-air media personality, Ari can be seen regularly on major media outlets and is frequently quoted in mainstream news outlets covering business, innovation and emerging trends.
Ari is a regular contributor for Nasdaq, PriceTargets.com, Forbes and Benzinga and hosts a radio and podcast show on iHeartRadio. He is a member of the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. and an adjunct professor at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. Ari can be reached at [email protected]
Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University
Past Experience
CEO of Quantum Media Group, adjunct professor at Yeshiva University, on-air TV personality on FOX News, CNN and CNBC; member of The National Press Club, IBM Watson Futurist.